Accreditation n°1-0769
Available on

Laboratoire Etudes & Contrôles

8 rue de la haute Sarrazine 16100 COGNAC - FRANCE 

The method has been COFRAC accredited (scope n°1-0769) for HaloAnisoles and HaloPhenols in wines since 2016.
Always with a view to improving our services, we have optimized our analysis technique by SBSE by adding a multi-desorption method which offers even more efficient quantification limits. In triple-extraction our limit of quantification for TCA is 1ng/L (for a Multi-shot analysis the volume of sample required is 300 ml).
The single or triple method can also be used for wine stimulants, synthetic solutions or macerates

Corks are analyzed following the recommended method by maceration in a hydro-alcoholic solution. The exposure and then extraction time is relatively long. It is recommended to send us your plugs at the beginning of the week for a result within 3 working days.
The term "material" concerns everything that makes up the barrel or is in contact with it (silicone bung, flour, paint, plastic, bubble wrap, etc.). We analyze any type of matrix using a migration technique similar to that applied for plugs.
This method less suitable for wood, container floors and cardboard we offer other analysis techniques for the latter.

Our deadlines are 3 working days (possibility of results in 24 hours: contact us)